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Interview 1 

This is my interview with Teddy Andres, The composition in this shot is not the best, but now I know that and what a good shot should look like. Creating this interview was a really cool experience, I learned how interviews are filmed and how to perform a interview in the best way for editing. After interviewing and being interviewed I realized I should have prepared more questions, maybe thought of a topic to talk about. I came to this conclusion because I watched my fellow interviewers struggle with coming up with questions to fill 10 minutes of time and during editing, it makes more a smoother film if its not all jumpy and has many different topics. I learned that when people are being filmed they tend to hesitate, and refrain from speaking their mind.  In order to prepare for the next interview I have brainstormed some basic questions to maintain a common theme through the film. 



My Interview. 

The interview where I was the interviewee, was lost in a block hole, therefore I do not have it. However, being interviewed is a total breeze compared to interviewing and then editing. I am a relatively social person and love conversation, so answering the questions asked, was a lot easier than having to ask them. In our group, the first interview was a little jumpy and I'm not sure anyone was as prepared as we needed to be. Futhermore, being in front of the camera was a fun experience and I tried to supply as much information as I could to produce a meaty interview. 

Behind the scenes was my favorite part about the interview, checking on the shot, making sure its in focus, lit well, etc. I do not have any footage or pictures from behind the scenes, but it was fun trying to figure out lighting, position, movement and more. 

Interview 2 

I did not complete this interview, but I edited it to my liking and added a few clips of B roll. If I had had time to add more B roll and stuff. I would be including more clips of soccer, snowboarding and maybe even dig and find some footage of Enrique himself playing soccer. I would also have added some light music in the background to cover some of the access noise from the library.I enjoyed this interview and am happier with the result than my first one. Although it is not finished, editing it was easier the second time around and I took the time to crop out the dead silence and "ums" and "likes". 

Being Interviewed


The second time around I really enjoyed being interviewed, my interviewer was prepared with a conversation topic in mind and informed me of this before filming even began. This allowed for me to brainstorm what I wanted to say and hope to say it. Compared to my first time being interviewed, this experience was much more pleasant and forced me to think outside of the box and try to provide as much content as I can. 


Being behind the scenes and controlling the camera a second time, provided a much more confident experience, as I kind of new what I was doing. We had some issues with lighting and reflections, but the end result looks great. The most difficult part of filming for this interview was to make sure Casey did not blend into the background, this was challenging because of her hair color and skin tone, To remain in focus was also a challenge due to the light changing and moving throughout the interview. 

Documentary Review

This show/mini documentary contains a 6 part series and explores and exposes the secrets of Murder Mountain, located in California. Known for its lawless ways and for harboring hundreds of missing persons, this film puts a few of those cases on the spotlight and begins to uncover the mysteries of the mountain. All while settling a few specific cases and diving into them. You learn both sides of the stories, those on the mountain, those affected by the mountain. 

The film includes many interviews, all following the rule of thirds, with sometimes not so great lighting or audio. Because of the topic and the mystery provided by the trailer, the filmmakers seem to focus more on the context and B roll. Most interviews seem to be filmed with natural lighting, or minimal. B roll remains on topic and intrigues the viewer to hear the whole story. Music incorporated in the film is focused on dramatizing the film and really playing on the mystery. 

After getting sucked into the mystery and the people of Murder Mountain, I would definitely recommend this show, it is more informative than entertaining, although the questions raised make it addictive and constantly leaving you on a cliff hanger. I would recommend this show to someone who is interested by documentaries and the history of America and the marijuana industry. This documentary provides conversation starters and curiosity. Anyone with the time or motivation will receive great education and entertainment through viewing this film. I would classify this film as a true crime documentary. The film is an exciting adventure of justice, murder and outlaw culture cultivated in the Murder Mountain. It reveals the truth and shows genuine people and their stories. You gain a emotional attachment and empathy for al of the characters included, all of which are said to not be actors, but real people. I recommend this film to those who binge on crime or mystery films. This series will definitely put you on the edge of your seat!

Available for viewing on Netflix. 


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